There are various Vrata & puja mentioned Gurucharitra .Following are they
1)Shanipradosh Vrata
At Kurvpur , Shree Shripad ShreeVallabh save the mother-son who were trying to commit suicide and ask her to do Shanipradosh vrata.Shani Pradosh vrat a Saturday(Sanivar) in any lunar fortnigh. Due to Shani Pradosh Vrat She was mother of Nrasinh Sarswathi in next birth.
2)Ekadashi Vrata
Ekadashi is a sacred day, occurring twice a month in the Hindu calendar - on the eleventh day of the bright half - called Shukla Paksha and on the eleventh of the dark half called Krishn Paksha. A fast is to be observed on this day by all Hindus. During Ekadashi, a waterless fast is ideal. However those unable to fast may take liquids, or if needed farari foods.
In Gurucharitra 3 Adhyay there is story of King Ambarish & Durvas Rushi tells that Ambarish made Ekadashi Vrata. He induced Shri Vishnu to come to Earth.

Shree Gurucharitra is great holy book. I like very well . It changed my thinking . All of things (before life , in life , after life what happens) are maintained in it chapter wise . chapter are called as "Adhyay" in Marathi . there are 51 Adhay & one Avararnika.The language is Marathi of the 14-15th Century, but without any Urdu or Persian words.It is written by Saraswati Gagadhar whose mother tough is Kannad.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Shri Dattatreya Ashtotarra Shatanamavali
Om Anasuya-sutaya namahOm Dattaya namah
Om Atri-putraya namah
Om Maha-munaye namah
Om Yogeendraya namah
Om Punya-purushaya namah
Om Deveshaya namah
Om Jagadeeshwaraya namah
Om Paramatmane namah
Om Parasmai-bramhane namah
Om Sadanandaya namah
Om Jagad-guruve namah
Om Nitya-truptaya namahm Nirvi-karaya namah
Om Niranjanaya namah
Om Gunatmakaya namah
Om Gunatitaya namah
Om Bramha-vishnu-shiva-tmikaya namah
Om Nana-rupadharaya namah
Om Nityaya namah
Om Shantaya namah
Om Dantaya namah
Om Krupanidhaye namah
Om Bhakti-priyaya namah
Om Bhava-haraya namah
Om Bhagavate namah
Om Bhava-nashanaya namah
Om Aadi-devaya namah
Om Maha-devaya namah
Om Sarveshaya namah
Om Bhuwaneshwaraya namah
Om Vedantha-vedyaya namah
Om Varadaya namah
Om Vishwa-rupaya namah
Om Avyayaya namah
Om Haraye namah
Om Sachitanandaya namah
Om Sarveshaya namah
Om Yogeeshaya namah
Om Baktha-vatsalaya namah
Om Digambharaya namah
Om Divya-murtaye namah
Om Divya-bhoti-vibushanaya namah
Om Anadi-siddaya namah
Om Sulabaya namah
Om Bhaktha-vanchita-dayakaya namah
Om Ekasmai namah
Om Anekaya namah
Om Advitiyaya namah
Om Nigha-magama-vanditaya namah
Om Bhukti-mukti-pradatre namah
Om Karya-veerya-vara-pradaya namah
Om Shaswatangaya namah
Om Vishuddhatmane namah
Om Vishwatmane namah
Om Vishwato-mukhaya namah
Om Sarveshwaraya namah
Om Sada-tustaya namah
Om Sarva-mangala-dayakaya namah
Om Nish-kalankaya namah
Om Nira-basaya namah
Om Nirvi-kalpaya namah
Om Nirish-rayaya namah
Om Purushottamaya namah
Om Lokanadaya namah
Om Purana-purushaya namah
Om Anaghaya namah
Om Apara-mahimne namah
Om Anantaya namah
Om Aadyamta-rahita-krutaye namah
Om Samsara-vanada-vagnaye namah
Om Bhava-sagara-tarakaya namah
Om Shreenivasaya namah
Om Vishalakshaya namah
Om Kshirabdhi-shaya-naya namah
Om Achyutaya namah
Om Sarva-papakshaya-karaya namah
Om Tapatraya-nivaranaya namah
Om Lokeshaya namah
Om Sarva-bhooteshaya namah
Om Vyapakaya namah
Om Karunamayaya namah
Om Bramhadi-vamdita-padaya namah
Om Muni-vandyaya namah
Om Stuti-priyaya namah
Om Nama-rupa-kriyatitaya namah
Om Nispruhaya namah
Om Nirmalatmakaya namah
Om Mahadeeshaya namah
Om Mahatmane namah
Om Maha-devaya namah
Om Maheshwaraya namah
Om Vyagra-charmambara-dharaya namah
Om Naga-kundala-bhushanaya namah
Om Sarva-lakshana sampoornaya namah
Om Sarva-siddi-pradaya-kaya namah
Om Sarva-gynaya namah
Om Karuna-simdhave namah
Om Sarpa-haraya namah
Om Sada-shivaya namah
Om Sahyadri-vasaya namah
Om Sarvatmane namah
Om Bhavabandha-vimochanaya namah
Om Vishwambaraya namah
Om Vishwanadhaya namah
Om Jagannadhaya namah
Om Jagathprabhave namah
Iti Shree Dattatreya Ashtotarra Shatanamavali Samaptam
Om Atri-putraya namah
Om Maha-munaye namah
Om Yogeendraya namah
Om Punya-purushaya namah
Om Deveshaya namah
Om Jagadeeshwaraya namah
Om Paramatmane namah
Om Parasmai-bramhane namah
Om Sadanandaya namah
Om Jagad-guruve namah
Om Nitya-truptaya namahm Nirvi-karaya namah
Om Niranjanaya namah
Om Gunatmakaya namah
Om Gunatitaya namah
Om Bramha-vishnu-shiva-tmikaya namah
Om Nana-rupadharaya namah
Om Nityaya namah
Om Shantaya namah
Om Dantaya namah
Om Krupanidhaye namah
Om Bhakti-priyaya namah
Om Bhava-haraya namah
Om Bhagavate namah
Om Bhava-nashanaya namah
Om Aadi-devaya namah
Om Maha-devaya namah
Om Sarveshaya namah
Om Bhuwaneshwaraya namah
Om Vedantha-vedyaya namah
Om Varadaya namah
Om Vishwa-rupaya namah
Om Avyayaya namah
Om Haraye namah
Om Sachitanandaya namah
Om Sarveshaya namah
Om Yogeeshaya namah
Om Baktha-vatsalaya namah
Om Digambharaya namah
Om Divya-murtaye namah
Om Divya-bhoti-vibushanaya namah
Om Anadi-siddaya namah
Om Sulabaya namah
Om Bhaktha-vanchita-dayakaya namah
Om Ekasmai namah
Om Anekaya namah
Om Advitiyaya namah
Om Nigha-magama-vanditaya namah
Om Bhukti-mukti-pradatre namah
Om Karya-veerya-vara-pradaya namah
Om Shaswatangaya namah
Om Vishuddhatmane namah
Om Vishwatmane namah
Om Vishwato-mukhaya namah
Om Sarveshwaraya namah
Om Sada-tustaya namah
Om Sarva-mangala-dayakaya namah
Om Nish-kalankaya namah
Om Nira-basaya namah
Om Nirvi-kalpaya namah
Om Nirish-rayaya namah
Om Purushottamaya namah
Om Lokanadaya namah
Om Purana-purushaya namah
Om Anaghaya namah
Om Apara-mahimne namah
Om Anantaya namah
Om Aadyamta-rahita-krutaye namah
Om Samsara-vanada-vagnaye namah
Om Bhava-sagara-tarakaya namah
Om Shreenivasaya namah
Om Vishalakshaya namah
Om Kshirabdhi-shaya-naya namah
Om Achyutaya namah
Om Sarva-papakshaya-karaya namah
Om Tapatraya-nivaranaya namah
Om Lokeshaya namah
Om Sarva-bhooteshaya namah
Om Vyapakaya namah
Om Karunamayaya namah
Om Bramhadi-vamdita-padaya namah
Om Muni-vandyaya namah
Om Stuti-priyaya namah
Om Nama-rupa-kriyatitaya namah
Om Nispruhaya namah
Om Nirmalatmakaya namah
Om Mahadeeshaya namah
Om Mahatmane namah
Om Maha-devaya namah
Om Maheshwaraya namah
Om Vyagra-charmambara-dharaya namah
Om Naga-kundala-bhushanaya namah
Om Sarva-lakshana sampoornaya namah
Om Sarva-siddi-pradaya-kaya namah
Om Sarva-gynaya namah
Om Karuna-simdhave namah
Om Sarpa-haraya namah
Om Sada-shivaya namah
Om Sahyadri-vasaya namah
Om Sarvatmane namah
Om Bhavabandha-vimochanaya namah
Om Vishwambaraya namah
Om Vishwanadhaya namah
Om Jagannadhaya namah
Om Jagathprabhave namah
Iti Shree Dattatreya Ashtotarra Shatanamavali Samaptam
Monday, October 18, 2010
Contents Of Gurucharitra
Dnyankand ज्ञानकांड
chapter 1 describes various deities and their praying.chapter 2 explains how universe was born, and how four Yugas were created with their specific trends. Also it has Guru and his disciple Deepak story
chapter 3 he describes Ambarish-Durvas story and how god Vishnu was made to take 10 avatars.
chapter 4 the famous story of Atri-Anusuya and Datta-janma is given.
Shripad ShriVallabha
chapter 5 story of Shri Shripad ShriVallabha at Pithapur is given.chapter 6 birth of Gokarna-Mahabaleshwar is described with Ravana-Ganesh and Shivalinga story.
chapter 7 then describes the importance of the above Gokarna-Mahabaleshwar as told by sage Gautam.
chapter 8 Shripad Shrivallabha lived secretly for 3 years and from there he went to Shrigiri. At Kurvpur , he save the mother-son who were trying to commit suicide and ask her to do Shanipradosh-vrata.
chapter 9 Shripad ShriVallabha blesses the washerman to become the king in his next birth and eventually ends his avatar.
chapter 10 the Vallabhesh Brahmin who is killed by the dacoits is revived by Shri Shripad ShriVallabha near Kuravpur.
Shri Narasinha Saraswati
chapter 11 Birth of shri Narsinha Sarswati (*Sha.1300 (1378 CE))at Lad Karanja whose old name is karanjpur.
chapter 12 Upnayan of Narasinh Sarswati(*Sha.1307 (1385 CE))& he leaves home(*Sha.1308 (1386 CE))and goes for Kashi-pilgrimage and takes Sannyaas(*Sha.1310 (1388 CE)) at Kashi from Shri Krishna Saraswati.
chapter 13 shri Narsinha Sarswati comes back to Karanja (*Sha.1338 (1416 CE))and cures one Vasar (Name of Village) and meet to Sayamdeo
chapter 14 shri Narsinha Sarswati meets Sayamdeo who is [[Saraswati Gangadhar]]'s great-great-Grandfather and saves him from the Muslim king Sayamdev is working for.
chapter 15 Guru asks his disciples to go for pilgrimage and himself stays near Parali-Vaijanath a place in Maharashtra
chapter 12 Upnayan of Narasinh Sarswati(*Sha.1307 (1385 CE))& he leaves home(*Sha.1308 (1386 CE))and goes for Kashi-pilgrimage and takes Sannyaas(*Sha.1310 (1388 CE)) at Kashi from Shri Krishna Saraswati.
chapter 13 shri Narsinha Sarswati comes back to Karanja (*Sha.1338 (1416 CE))and cures one Vasar (Name of Village) and meet to Sayamdeo
chapter 14 shri Narsinha Sarswati meets Sayamdeo who is [[Saraswati Gangadhar]]'s great-great-Grandfather and saves him from the Muslim king Sayamdev is working for.
chapter 15 Guru asks his disciples to go for pilgrimage and himself stays near Parali-Vaijanath a place in Maharashtra
Chapter 16 Shri Narsinh Sarawati discribs greatness of Shri Guru by story of Dhoumyarishi & his three disciplines Aruni, Baid and Upmanyu. In former times, the Guru tested his disciples before giving knowledge to them
Chapter 17 Shri Narsinha Sarswati came to Bhillavadi living under the Audumber tree near bhuvaneshwari secretly.There lived at Kaveer(Kolhapur) a learned Brahmin who knew the Vedas. He had a dull foolish son becomes learned.
Chapter 18 Shri Narsinh Sarswati came here from bhilavadi and stayed near Panch Ganga sangam Amarapur (Nrasinhwadi / Narsobachiwadi) for 12 years.He would go to Amarapur for alms.In Amarapur lived a Brahmin knowing Vedas. He had a devoted wife. He had a sem creeper at his door. When he could not get sufficient corn he would live on the boiled seems. He adored Shri Guru with devotion. He invited Shri Guru for alms one day. After taking the alms Shri Guru blessed him saying that his poverty was wiped off. While leaving the premises, Shri Guru cut the root of the sem creeper. Seeing this the Brahmins's wife bitterly saying `our means of livelihoood are lost.' The Brahmin tried to console her saying, there must be some good
intention of shri Guru in cutting the root of the sem. It is our good fortune that Shri Guru in cutting came to us for alms. Do not blame Shri Guru who blessed us. He will protect us. The brahmin took away the leaves of the creeper from the courtyard and while digging to take off the root of the creeper, he found a vessel full of
coins. He told this to his wife ho was much pleased and now repented for blaming Shri Guru. Both then went to shri Guru and worshipped him with devotion and reported what had occured. Shri Guru said, `Do not tell this to any body, else the wealth will be destroyed, you shall live happily with your sons and grandsons.'
Chapter 19 Greatness of Audumbar is described in this chapter.threw story of Shri Vishnu sNarasinhawatar & Hranyakashyapu. After death of Hranykashyapu Narsinha's nails were filled with strong poison and so caused great heat in his body.Narsinha took Audumbar fruits and thrush nails in them.The poison and the heat of the body subsided.Narsinha were pleased. So they blessed the Audumbar tree, `You shall always bear fruits and people will worship you as the Kalpataru.
Chapter 17 Shri Narsinha Sarswati came to Bhillavadi living under the Audumber tree near bhuvaneshwari secretly.There lived at Kaveer(Kolhapur) a learned Brahmin who knew the Vedas. He had a dull foolish son becomes learned.
Chapter 18 Shri Narsinh Sarswati came here from bhilavadi and stayed near Panch Ganga sangam Amarapur (Nrasinhwadi / Narsobachiwadi) for 12 years.He would go to Amarapur for alms.In Amarapur lived a Brahmin knowing Vedas. He had a devoted wife. He had a sem creeper at his door. When he could not get sufficient corn he would live on the boiled seems. He adored Shri Guru with devotion. He invited Shri Guru for alms one day. After taking the alms Shri Guru blessed him saying that his poverty was wiped off. While leaving the premises, Shri Guru cut the root of the sem creeper. Seeing this the Brahmins's wife bitterly saying `our means of livelihoood are lost.' The Brahmin tried to console her saying, there must be some good
intention of shri Guru in cutting the root of the sem. It is our good fortune that Shri Guru in cutting came to us for alms. Do not blame Shri Guru who blessed us. He will protect us. The brahmin took away the leaves of the creeper from the courtyard and while digging to take off the root of the creeper, he found a vessel full of
coins. He told this to his wife ho was much pleased and now repented for blaming Shri Guru. Both then went to shri Guru and worshipped him with devotion and reported what had occured. Shri Guru said, `Do not tell this to any body, else the wealth will be destroyed, you shall live happily with your sons and grandsons.'
Chapter 19 Greatness of Audumbar is described in this chapter.threw story of Shri Vishnu sNarasinhawatar & Hranyakashyapu. After death of Hranykashyapu Narsinha's nails were filled with strong poison and so caused great heat in his body.Narsinha took Audumbar fruits and thrush nails in them.The poison and the heat of the body subsided.Narsinha were pleased. So they blessed the Audumbar tree, `You shall always bear fruits and people will worship you as the Kalpataru.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Narsinhwadi (Narsobachi Wadi / Amrapur)
Narsinhwadi (Narsobachi Wadi / Amrapur)
Shree narsinhsaraswati stayed here for 12 years (*Sha.1344-1356 (1422 CE-1434 CE). This is a famous holy place like Kashi and Prayag.There is a temple of Amareshwar and an Audumbar tree as a Kalpataru. there is Punchganga(Shiva,Bhadra, Bhogavati, Kumbhi and Saraswati are the five rivers.) & Krushna sangam. In Gurucharitra Narsinhwadi is meantioned as Amarapur..Here is the temple of Amareshwar and hence the place is called as Amarapur. Nearby is the Sakti Teertha, where reside Sixty-four Yogini Shaktis, serving and worshipping Amareshwar,
Here is the temple of Amareshwar and hence the place is called as Amarapur. Nearby is the Sakti Teertha, where reside Sixty-four Yogini Shaktis, serving and worshipping Amareshwar, but unseen by others. Nearby was Papa Vinasini and other holy Teerthas. Sri NarsinhSaraswati stayed at Amarapur for 12 years. This place came to be later called as Narsobawadi (Narsobachi Wadi), after Sri Narasinha Saraswati.
From Guru Charitra Chapter 19 :"I am leaving my Padukas here. I will be ever present where my Padukas are worshipped. Whatever wishes to be prayed for, offering worship to the Padukas, they will be granted and fulfilled." - Sri Narasinha Saraswati.
How to go Narsinhwadi ?
It is near to Kolhapur , Sangli .
1)If you are coming from railway(from Miraj/Sangli side) then you dont need to come kolhapur .Just come at Jaysingpur. From Jaysinhpur narsinhwadi is just 8 Km . this is bus facility is available(jaysinhpur station - Kurundwad) which goes from Narsinhwadi.
2) If you are coming from bus / ST ,there are lot of buses from Kolhapur , Sangli , Miraj Regularly.
Narsobachi Wadi is also famous for Brinjal, Cucumber, Corn that are really very very tasty due to the fact that they are grown on the bank of river Krishna. Also do not forget to buy Pedhe / Pedha,Kavath(Limonia) Barfi & Basundi which are considered to be best taste & quality.
Siddha(सिद्ध ) is a disciple of Shri Narasimha Saraswati. Gurucharitra is conversation between Siddha and Namdharak who is listening to Siddha.
Shri RamKrushan Kamat
Shri Ramchandra Krishna Kamat
(The editor of Shri Gurucharitra)
The standard copy of this book was edited by Mr. Ramchandra Krishna Kamat, who painstakingly researched about 26 or 27 different copies of this book obtained from various places. After studying the language and contents in each of these different copies he finally wrote this book, with the Kadaganchi version of this book assumed to be the standard one. There are thousands of copies of this book, however, Mr. Kamat zeroed onto the final 26-27 of those different versions and from these he finalised this version of Gurucharitra. The book has about 7491 stanzas, and each was well scrutinized by Mr. Kamat. This will show the monumental work he did in getting this book into its final version. The book is published by Keshav Bhikaji Dhawale Prakashan, Girgaum, Mumbai. He also wrote divine books like 'NAM JAPACHE MAHATVA' and 'NAMCHINTAMANI' which is very good for all sadhak who wants to know the god.
(The editor of Shri Gurucharitra)
The standard copy of this book was edited by Mr. Ramchandra Krishna Kamat, who painstakingly researched about 26 or 27 different copies of this book obtained from various places. After studying the language and contents in each of these different copies he finally wrote this book, with the Kadaganchi version of this book assumed to be the standard one. There are thousands of copies of this book, however, Mr. Kamat zeroed onto the final 26-27 of those different versions and from these he finalised this version of Gurucharitra. The book has about 7491 stanzas, and each was well scrutinized by Mr. Kamat. This will show the monumental work he did in getting this book into its final version. The book is published by Keshav Bhikaji Dhawale Prakashan, Girgaum, Mumbai. He also wrote divine books like 'NAM JAPACHE MAHATVA' and 'NAMCHINTAMANI' which is very good for all sadhak who wants to know the god.
Saraswati Gangadhar
Shri GuruCharitra was written by Shri Saraswati Gangadhar, the 15th-16th Century poet. His full name is Saraswati Gangadhar Saakhare Deshastha Brahmin and possibly stayed most of his life at Kadaganchi village, located now in Karnataka. Gurucharitra is written by him .The language is Marathi of the 14-15th Century, but without any Urdu or Persian words. Shri Saraswati Gangadhar made sure that there are no words taken from Urdu or Persian, but only from Sanskrit.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Narasinha Saraswati
His name is Narahari or Shalgramdev that was kept at the beginning. His father's name is Madhav and mother's name is Amba-Bhavani. They lived at Karanjapur which is modern Lad-Karanja in Maharashtra. His surname is Kale.He was born in Deshastha Brahmin family. At Lad-Karanja there is the original house where he was born. Although the house is no longer in the original shape, but still some parts remain and have been converted in to a temple.
*Sha.1300 (1378 CE) : Birth
*Sha.1307 (1385 CE) : Upanayan
*Sha.1308 (1386 CE) : Left his home
*Sha.1310 (1388 CE) : Took Sanyas
*Sha.1338 (1416 CE) : Arrival back home at Lad-Karanja
*Sha.1340 (1418 CE) : Gautami-Tatak-Yatra गौतमी तटाक यात्रा (travel along the banks of river Gautami)
*Sha.1342 (1420 CE) : Stay at Parali-Vaijanath परळी-वैजनाथ
*Sha.1343 (1421 CE) : Stay at Audumbar औदुंबर (near Bhilavadi)
*Sha.1344-1356 (1422 CE-1434 CE) : Stay at Narasoba Wadi alias Narasimhapur
*Sha.1357-1380 (1435 CE-1458 CE) : Stay at Ganagapur गाणगापूर
*Sha.1380 (14 January 1459 CE) : Nijanandagaman निजानंदगमन at ShriShaila श्रीशैल Mountain
श्री गुरूचरित्र
'Shri Guru Charitra' is the life of 'Shri Guru Dattatreya' (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh Incarnate). It was originally written in Oviform(a Marathi Metre)in Marathi by one Saraswati Gangadhar, whose ancestor Sayamdeo had
personally lived and served with devotion, Shri Guru Narasinha Saraswati, about 500 years ago.
This volume is regarded as a greatly divine, versatile, a blessing one and is placed with images of Gods and adored in almost all brahmins' houses.It is much respected and is very popular like Vedas, Ramayan,
Mahabharat, Bhagwat and other puranas in sanskrit and Dnyaneshwari, Dasbodh, Eknathi Bhagwat etc. in Marathi.
Shri Dattatreya had taken birth at the Ashram of Atri and Anasuya in very very old times and it is believed that his two incarnations namely Shripad Shri Vallabha and Shri Narasinha Saraswati had taken place in the Deccan in about the 14th and 15th Century(A. D.) respectively.This is the historical period when the Bahamani Kingdom was split up into five different Kingships, one of which viz,'Bidar' is mentioned in this
volume. "Shri Guru Charitra" depicts the life missions of these two incarnations.
The original volume contains 52 chapters and it is written in the form of conversation between Naaamdharak and his spiritual Guru Shri Siddha Muni. Several miraculous deeds are associated with these two Gurus - 5
such deeds are relating to Shripad Shri Vallabh (chapters 5 to 10) and 26 are relating to Shri Narasinha Saraswati, (chapters 11 to 51) besides many mythological (pouranik) tales have also been narrated in this
volume by way of illustration. According to researches made in connection with Shri Guru Charitra, by a
Gurubhakta, Shri R. K. alias Annasaheb Kamat of Durga Datta Mandir, Mashail, Goa, ' Shri Guru Charitra' contains "Shri Guru Geeta" as its 49th chapter. It is composed of 176 Sanskrit shlokas and 34 Marathi Ovis - 13 at the begining and 21 in the end. In some of the latter scripts it seems that this chapter of Shri Guru geeta is deleted, probably it being in Sanskrit and the 41st chapter is split up into two chapters, keeping the
number of chapters the same i. e. 52. The gist of Shri Guru Geeta is included in this volume.The research scholars of Medical Sciences have a good opportunity of thinking over and analysing the means that have been used by Shri Guru for cure of acute gastric pain, leprosy, toxic irritations, revival to life,sterilty of females etc. Of course it is an admitted fact that the yogic and Divine power od Shri Guru is mainly responsible for these miracles to a great extent.
In order that the general public, males and females, should be acquainted with the contents of this great popular volume a humble attempt was made by this author and "Subodh Shri Guru Charitra" in Marathi pose was published in November, 1952, on Datta Jayanti(Margashirsh Poornima).The author desires to bring about an edition in Hindi, the National language of Bharat and also an English edition of this book for the
interested readers spread all over the world.It is an experienced fact that the reading of such literature gives mental peace to those who are worried due to different miseries of this worldly life and also encourages and guides them to go ahead on the path of selfemmancipation by making their lives sublime and full of highest bliss.
'Shri Guru Charitra' is the life of 'Shri Guru Dattatreya' (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh Incarnate). It was originally written in Oviform(a Marathi Metre)in Marathi by one Saraswati Gangadhar, whose ancestor Sayamdeo had
personally lived and served with devotion, Shri Guru Narasinha Saraswati, about 500 years ago.
This volume is regarded as a greatly divine, versatile, a blessing one and is placed with images of Gods and adored in almost all brahmins' houses.It is much respected and is very popular like Vedas, Ramayan,
Mahabharat, Bhagwat and other puranas in sanskrit and Dnyaneshwari, Dasbodh, Eknathi Bhagwat etc. in Marathi.
Shri Dattatreya had taken birth at the Ashram of Atri and Anasuya in very very old times and it is believed that his two incarnations namely Shripad Shri Vallabha and Shri Narasinha Saraswati had taken place in the Deccan in about the 14th and 15th Century(A. D.) respectively.This is the historical period when the Bahamani Kingdom was split up into five different Kingships, one of which viz,'Bidar' is mentioned in this
volume. "Shri Guru Charitra" depicts the life missions of these two incarnations.
The original volume contains 52 chapters and it is written in the form of conversation between Naaamdharak and his spiritual Guru Shri Siddha Muni. Several miraculous deeds are associated with these two Gurus - 5
such deeds are relating to Shripad Shri Vallabh (chapters 5 to 10) and 26 are relating to Shri Narasinha Saraswati, (chapters 11 to 51) besides many mythological (pouranik) tales have also been narrated in this
volume by way of illustration. According to researches made in connection with Shri Guru Charitra, by a
Gurubhakta, Shri R. K. alias Annasaheb Kamat of Durga Datta Mandir, Mashail, Goa, ' Shri Guru Charitra' contains "Shri Guru Geeta" as its 49th chapter. It is composed of 176 Sanskrit shlokas and 34 Marathi Ovis - 13 at the begining and 21 in the end. In some of the latter scripts it seems that this chapter of Shri Guru geeta is deleted, probably it being in Sanskrit and the 41st chapter is split up into two chapters, keeping the
number of chapters the same i. e. 52. The gist of Shri Guru Geeta is included in this volume.The research scholars of Medical Sciences have a good opportunity of thinking over and analysing the means that have been used by Shri Guru for cure of acute gastric pain, leprosy, toxic irritations, revival to life,sterilty of females etc. Of course it is an admitted fact that the yogic and Divine power od Shri Guru is mainly responsible for these miracles to a great extent.
In order that the general public, males and females, should be acquainted with the contents of this great popular volume a humble attempt was made by this author and "Subodh Shri Guru Charitra" in Marathi pose was published in November, 1952, on Datta Jayanti(Margashirsh Poornima).The author desires to bring about an edition in Hindi, the National language of Bharat and also an English edition of this book for the
interested readers spread all over the world.It is an experienced fact that the reading of such literature gives mental peace to those who are worried due to different miseries of this worldly life and also encourages and guides them to go ahead on the path of selfemmancipation by making their lives sublime and full of highest bliss.
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